2018 Programs and Materials


1/8 (MONDAYGlobal Warming 101 – or Everything you wanted to know about our changing climate (But were too afraid to ask). Presented by Mike Adler, Geologists of Jackson Hole.  Slides Video  –  Summary 

1/16  The Discovery, Development, & Demise of Wyoming’s Atlantic City Iron Mine. Presented by Chuck Dahl, Geologists of Jackson Hole. Video Summary

1/17  What you see in the rocks:  Explained by Geochemistry.  Presented by John Guslander, Geologists of Jackson Hole  Video     PowerPoint       

2/6 (Tuesday)  Exploring Our Solar System: Pluto and Mars Revealed Presented by Mike Adler, Geologists of Jackson Hole Video –  Summary  –    Slides

2/20 (Tuesday)   Documenting Ancient Wasatch Fault Earthquakes    Presented by Alexis Ault, Utah State University. Video  Summary

3/6  Gulf of Mexico: Geology and Evolution of the Petroleum Industry. Presented by Cynthia Blankenship, Geologists of Jackson Hole. Video Summary

3/20 Reproduction in Troodon Formosus, America’s First Dinosaur. Presented by David Varricchio, Montana State University. Video Summary

April 3,  6 PM – TC Library –  The Eastern Snake River Plain:  A volcanic wonderland. Presented by Mike McCurry, Idaho State University, Department of Geosciences Video  Summary

April 17, 6 PMPresbyterian Church of Jackson Hole – John Wesley Powell and the Reimagination of the Arid West, Presented by Tom MinckleyUniversity of Wyoming, Department of Geography Video Summary

April 20-22  Field Trip to Southern Idaho  South Central Idaho, April 20-22, 2018

April 18,  12:15 PM – Jackson Senior Center – Environmental History of the Big Horn Basin, Presented by Tom Minckley  Video

May 1,  6 PM – TC Library – Zircons are Forever: Oxygen isotopes and zircons. Presented by Liz King, GJH Video  Summary 

May 15, 6 PM – TC Library – Carbon and Climate: Lessons from Wyoming’s Past.. Presented by Gabriel Bowen, Univ. of UT Video Summary

May 16,  12:15 PM – Jackson Senior Center – Rock Hounding in Wyoming by Mike Maurer, Geologists of Jackson Hole Video

June 5, 6 p.m.,TC Library: Monitoring the Structural Health of Rock ArchesPresented by Jeff Moore, University of Utah Video Materials  Summary

June 19, 6 p.m., TC Library –  Yellowstone’s NOT-so-super eruptions, Presented by Tiffany Rivera, Westminster College of Salt Lake City Video Summary

June 20, 12:15 p.m., Jackson Senior CenterDeciphering the Dynamics of a Magma Chamber with Microscopic Zircon, Presented by Tiffany Rivera, Westminster College of Salt Lake City Video Summary

July 3  TC Library 6 p.m. – Oxygenation of Earth’s Atmosphere: rotation & day length dependent?

Presented by Gregory Dick, Univ.Mich. Video Summary

July 7 Pleistocene Geology of Jackson Hole Field Trip  Summary Slide Show  Video

July 17  TC Library 6 p.m. – Dynamic glacial & tectonic history of the Teton Range as recorded by lakes in GTN Park, Presented by Darren Larsen, Occidental College. Video1 Video2  Summary

August 5 – GJH Members Barbecue Pictures  Annual BBQ Food Gallery

August 7  6 p.m.TC Library – Real Monsters: Using Fossils to Emphasize Critical Thinking Skills in College Presented by Leif TapanilaIdaho State University VideoSummary

August 10-12. Field Trip to Central Idaho – Central Idaho – Paul Link – August, 2018

August 21 (Tuesday), Presbyterian Church of Jackson Hole 6 p.m. – Mid-Ocean Ridges & the formation of Oceanic Crust- One of the last frontiers for Plate Tectonics, Presented by Mike Cheadle & Barbara JohnUniversity of Wyoming.Video  Summary

August 22 12:15 – 1:30  Senior Center –  Exploring the deep – discovering new seafloor hydrothermal vent fields.  Presented by Mike Cheadle and Barbara John   Video

September 4,  6 p.m., TC Library– Jupiter Re-Discovered and Saturn Un-Veiled, Presented by Mike Adler, Geologists of Jackson Hole Video.   Video2  Summary

September 4,  6 p.m., TC LibraryJupiter Re-Discovered and Saturn Un-Veiled, Presented by Mike Adler, Geologists of Jackson Hole Video.   Video2  Summary

September 18,  6 p.m., TC Library- A Geologic Tour of the Jackson Hole Area, Presented by John Hebberger (Jr.), Geologists of Jackson Hole. Video Summary

September 19, Jackson Senior Center 12:15 PM.  A further tour of recent discoveries about our solar system.   Presented by Mike Adler GJH Video Summary

September 18,  6 p.m., TC Library- A Geologic Tour of the Jackson Hole Area, Presented by John Hebberger (Jr.), Geologists of Jackson Hole. Video Summary

October 2, 6 p.m., TC Library Unraveling the Geologic History of the Greater Green River Basin in Wyoming Presented by Ranie Lynds, Wyoming State Geological Survey Video Summary 

In Memory – Bud Elliott

October 2, 6 p.m., TC Library Unraveling the Geologic History of the Greater Green River Basin in Wyoming Presented by Ranie Lynds, Wyoming State Geological Survey Video Summary 

October 16:  Eocene Hyperthermals: Rapid & Extreme Warming Events as documented in Wyoming Presented by Ellen Currano, University of Wyoming Summary Video

October 17, 12 pm Jackson Hole Senior Center  The Mush Valley Lagerstätte: An early Mioecene crater lake deposit in north-central Ethiopia  presented by Elan Currano, U Wyoming.  Summary Video

December 4, 6 pm TCLibrary,  Yellowstone National Park: Through the Lens of Time; presented by Bradley J. Boner, N&G  Summary  Video