Understanding our Atmosphere
Presentation by Jim Woodmencey
January 7th (Tuesday), 6 p.m., Social half-hour; please join us from 5:30-6:00 to enjoy free soft drinks and appetizers before our talk begins!
Live at the Teton County Library & Via Zoom (online)
Meteorologist Jim Woodmencey has lived and worked in Jackson Hole since 1982 and has forecasted, studied, and written about the weather for almost 35 years.
This presentation will be like an introductory course on meteorology. Beginning with a description of the physical and chemical properties of the atmosphere, the relationship between the earth and the sun, and the changes we experience in seasonal heating and cooling around the globe.
This will lead us into how atmospheric and oceanic circulations conspire to develop powerful storm systems. Where do those storms form and why do they form there? And how do we know when or if they are headed our way?
Anyone who has even a mild interest in the weather would benefit from a basic knowledge of how the atmosphere works and where our storms come from. If nothing else, this talk will leave you with a greater appreciation of the complexities of our atmospheric system and all the things that make the weather happen.

Topic: Understanding our Atmosphere
Time: Tuesday, January 7th, 2025, 06:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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