Dan Creighton

Dan Creighton
Dan Creighton – BA Geology SUNY at Buffalo 1980, MA Geology SUNY at Buffalo 1982. My Master’s work was part of the NASA Mars Project. We mapped features on the Snake River Plain that were then used as analogs for photogeology of Mars. This work was part of the Viking Mars Landing Project. Working in the area is responsible for my plan to live in Jackson Hole.
I began work as a Petroleum Geologist with Chevron in 1982. My training included Geophysics and over time I worked projects on 4 continents. My last position was as manager of Geoscience with a private equity firm. I retired in 2018 and am now spending part time as an advisor for a small firm with interest on the North Slope of Alaska. The other part of my time is aimed at exploring all the wonderful geology we have in our area!