Dinosaurs! Allosaurus Assemblage: Predator Pitfall or Coincidence?
October 19th (Tuesday), 6 p.m., Via Zoom (online) & Live at St. John’s Episcopal Church- Open to Public. Presentation: “Dinosaurs! Allosaurus Assemblage: Predator Pitfall or Coincidence?”, Presented by Angela Reddick, Wyoming Dinosaur Center, Thermopolis, WY
The Cleveland-Lloyd dinosaur quarry (CLDQ) has been the subject of much debate since the site was originally excavated back in 1927. Since then there have been many different hypotheses on what may have caused the impressive concentration of bones in such a small area. Located only a hour’s drive from Price, Utah, the CLDQ sports an incredible 15,000 excavated fossils mostly belonging to Allosaurus fragilis, the most common predator of the late Jurassic Morrison Formation. Because of this, and because the carnivores’ fossils greatly outnumber the herbivores’ (at least 7:1) the most prevalent and consistent hypothesis is that the quarry is the site of a predator trap. My research was designed to decisively test this hypothesis by statistical measures. By closely examining the bones of the Allosaurs found at CLDQ and comparing them to the bones of the La Brea Tar Pits most common predator, the Dire Wolf. To attempt, once and for all determine is Cleveland-Lloyd a Predator Trap or not.Topic: Dinosaurs! Allosaurus Assemblage: Predator Pitfall or Coincidence?
Time: Oct 19, 2021 06:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)
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