Michael Adler

Michael Adler – Board Member
Mike graduated from MIT in 1971 as a Ph.D. in the area of solid state physics and worked at General Electric from 1971 until his retirement in 2000. At GE he was manager of a group of 150 people who did research in the areas of power electronics, control systems, and semiconductor assembly. He is widely published in the area of semiconductor physics with over 100 papers and based on this is a fellow of the IEEE (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers), the world’s largest professional society. Mike has been active in the IEEE for 30 years and was the IEEE President in 2003 and was on the IEEE Board of Directors from 1996 to 2004.
Mike has been pursuing his hobbies of astronomy and photography as well as traveling with his wife Virginia on two “trips of a lifetime” each year. On the astronomy front in 2014 he has built an observatory at his Wyoming home that houses new 20” and 12.5” telescopes along with his 6” refractor. In 2012 he had a two month exhibit of his astrophotography as the inaugural exhibit in the new exhibit hall in the Teton County library in Jackson WY. He has donated images for an exhibit in the St John’s hospital and to Wyoming Stargazing in Jackson.
Mike has been giving talks on a number of topics in astronomy, geology, climate change, and travel to groups in NY, the Royal Astronomy Society of Canada in Ontario CA and the Geologists of Jackson Hole in Jackson WY. He has been the lead in organizing three extended field trips for the Geologists to Scotland in 2015, Iceland in 2017, and New Zealand in 2019.