Old Bill's Fun Run 2019
Please Contribute to Old Bill’s Fun Run
For Geologists of Jackson Hole, 2019
Please remember us during this year’s Old Bill’s Fun Run. Any funds raised will be used to directly support the core mission of the organization:
To inform and educate our members and community about earth science related matters – their broad scope and importance to all of us.
We are proud of our history serving the Jackson community. We bring speakers from universities and other organizations to speak at three monthly lectures about research related to our physical world, ranging from the center of the earth to the literal ends of the universe. We estimate more than twenty-five hundred people attended our three monthly meetings in 2018.
Geologists of Jackson Hole (GJH) work in local schools to support teachers and provide classroom and field trip educational experiences about the physical world around us. We taught over thousand local students in 2018. Our members also give talks to various local community organizations ranging from civic groups to youth scouting organizations.
We have a website geologistsofjacksonhole.org that is very active. It has been visited almost 25,500 times by over 15,500 people over the year. Because there are often overflow crowds at the Teton County Library, we videotape most of our lectures. These videos can be viewed at no cost, through our website on YouTube. The videos include one hundred and twenty programs that have experienced over 62,000 views from 14 countries in the last four years. Fifty-eight percent of our viewers are 25-34 years old, 20% are 45-54 and 21% are 65+. Over the month of July, we had 2229 views for a total view time of 29,260 minutes.
In the last year, we organize four geoscience field trips in our local area and hosted an extended three-week field trip to New Zealand all of with have exceptional geological educational opportunities. By offering an understanding of science to both an adult audience and introducing local students to real scientists, we work to educate our citizens and hope the next generation will catch the excitement and reward of careers in the sciences.
Specifically, your Old Bill’s donations over the last several years have allowed us to enhance our ability to bring high quality, out-of-state speakers to our community and increase our in-school participation. This year we upgraded our video sound equipment and improved our membership and friends tracking software.
Thank you for joining us in supporting the Geologists of Jackson Hole through Old Bill’s.