The Age of Dinosaurs in Idaho: Inland Seas and Upland Dinosaurs

Presented by Dr. L.J. Krumenacker, Idaho State University

August 1st (Tuesday), 6 p.m., ***NEW: Social half-hour, please join us from 5:30-6:00  to enjoy free soft drinks and appetizers before our talk begins!***

Live at the Teton County Library & Via Zoom (online)

Dr. Krumenacker will discuss the organisms that inhabited the tropical seas of Idaho in the Triassic and the bizarre transitional Cretaceous dinosaurs of Idaho that lived upland from an ancient seaway that covered central North America (and Wyoming).

Topic: The Age of Dinosaurs in Idaho: Inland Seas and Upland Dinosaurs 

Time: Tuesday August 1st, 2023 06:00 PM Mountain Time (US and Canada)

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